Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bolt - The New ColdFusion IDE


This is out!!! A new ColdFusion IDE has been announced at MAX 2008 in day 2 key note. This Eclipse based IDE for ColdFusion development has been codenamed as “Bolt”.

Features of Bolt

• Object Relational Mapping auto-configuration

• Application Code Generation

• Server management

• Easily extensible through the Eclipse framework

• CFML, HTML, Javascript, and CSS Syntax Highlighting

• Code assist for tags, functions, variables, and components

• Code folding

• Snippet creation and management

• Outline viewing

• RDS Explorer for files and databases

• Line-level Debugging

More features to come…

Join the Bolt Prerelease Program -

Friday, November 14, 2008

MAX 2008

MAX happens next week in San Francisco


When : Sunday November 16, 2008 to Wednesday November 19, 2008



Moscone Center

747 Howard Street
San Francisco, California 94103


More Details:



Thursday, November 13, 2008

CFUnited 2009 Dates and Venue

The cfunited 2009 registration is open…



CFUnited 2009


November 12, 2008

Announcing today CFUnited 2009 registration is open!

August 11th, 2009 Pre-conference Classes
August 12th-15th, 2009 Main event (repeat sessions on Saturday)

Lansdowne Resort, Leesburg VA
Visit the travel page for more information.

The following early bird prices will expire December 31st.

4 Day Package ($849.00)
Full registration includes Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Repeats on Saturday. Includes all materials, breakfast, breaks, lunch, and receptions. Free parking, airport transportation, and metro shuttle. Expo admission and general session included.

3 Day Package ($699.00)
Registration includes Wednesday, Thursday, Friday only. Includes all materials, breakfast, breaks, lunch, and receptions. Free parking, airport transportation, and metro shuttle. Expo admission and general session included.

Saturday Package ($399.00)
Registration includes Saturday Repeats only. Includes all materials, breakfast, breaks, lunch, and receptions. Free parking, airport transportation, and metro shuttle. Saturday will have a smaller number of sponsor exhibits. There will not be a general session on Saturday.

Subscribe to our blog to get updates on the latest CFUnited news.  We will be posting all the new topics, speakers, benefits and changes for 2009's event. You don't want to miss out on the extremely awesome things our team has come up with!

We are in the process of updating a lot of information on the CFUnited website so please bear with us.

- CFUnited Team



cf_underground sf


Monday, November 10, 2008

Security Update for ColdFusion 8

A security update for ColdFusion 8 has been released…


More details and download from here…



Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Flash Player 10 RC Build

The RC build for Flash Player 10 has been released.

You can download the it here…



Monday, August 11, 2008

What if you forget the ColdFusion Admin Password?

Imagine suppose you have forgotten the admin password and cannot log in to ColdFusion Administrator. Here is a solution for this, follow the below steps.

  1. Make a backup copy of CF_HOME\lib\neo-security.xml file

    In case of multi-server editions, the path is:
  2. Open the neo-security.xml file in a text editor and change 'true' to 'false' for the variable tag. For example, search the file for "" and change the entry as follows:

    <var name=''><boolean value='false'/></var>
  3. Restart the ColdFusion application server.

You should now be able to bypass the login to the ColdFusion administrator. You can reset the password by choosing Security > Administrator.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Imp Technote about "Flex Builder 2 RemoteObject calls to ColdFusion 8 CFCs"

Here is an important update on the adobe site.



Flex Builder 2 RemoteObject calls to ColdFusion 8 CFCs fail


You are unable to connect Adobe Flex Builder 2 RemoteObjects to Adobe ColdFusion 8 CFCs.


Flex Builder 2 projects containing RemoteObject calls to ColdFusion 8 fail to connect for the following reasons:

  • You have not entered the proper compiler arguments which point to your ColdFusion 8's services-config.xml and or your ColdFusion server's context root.
  • You have created your Flex Builder 2 project as a "ColdFusion Flash Remoting Service." This is not appropriate if you are connecting to ColdFusion 8 CFCs.
  • You are using ColdFusion 8's embedded web server (typically running from port 8500) and you are trying to run your Flex project from within Flex Builder.
  • You do not have your ColdFusion 8 CFCs located in your server's web root.


Create your Flex Builder 2 project

  1. Create a "Basic" (e.g. XML or web service from PHP/JSP/ASP.NET) Flex project.
  2. Change your project's Output folder to point to your web root (if using ColdFusion 8's embedded web server, use {cfusion8_root}/wwwroot/your_project_name).
  3. Click Finish, right-click your project from the Navigator pane of Flex Builder 2, and then choose Properties.
  4. In the Flex Compiler section, add the appropriate Additional Compiler Arguments. For example:

    -services=C:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\WEB-INF\flex\services-config.xml -context-root=/ -locale en_US.
  5. Click OK

Ensure ColdFusion 8 CFCs are setup properly

  • If using ColdFusion 8's embedded web server, ensure you have you CFCs located somewhere beneath the {cfusion8_root}/wwwroot/ directory
  • If using an external web server, ensure you have your CFCs located somewhere beneath your web server's web root, for example IIS is typically C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/
  • Ensure the "source" attribute of your Flex Project's <mx:RemoteObject> is correct. If your CFC is located in /wwwroot/myCFC/someCFC.cfc, then your "source" entry would be "myCFC.someCFC".
  • Ensure your database serving the data to your CFC is started and the ColdFusion 8 DSN is configured properly within ColdFusion Administrator

Run your Flex Application from the web root

  • Compile your project, but instead of running it from Flex Builder 2, open a web browser and go to http://host_name/website_name/flex_app_name/flex_project_name.html.

TechNote Details

Last Update:





  • Windows 2000
  • Windows 2003
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP

Permanent Link:


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Determine the Version Information of ColdFusion 8

The CF8 version information:

CF Release

CF Version Number

JRun Build








Here is a TechNote with more details.



ColdFusion Docs on AIR

Here is an Adobe AIR application that brings the ColdFusion 8 documentation to your desktop which is surprising small, easy to use, extremely fast.



Friday, May 23, 2008

ColdFusion 8 wins the 2008 Codie Award

Great CF8 news to share!!!

SIIA announced the winners of the 2008 Codie Awards. ColdFusion 8 has been named the winner in the Web Services Solution category.

Also another good review of ColdFusion 8.

Software Editorial

ColdFusion Review

May 21, 2008

By Mike Hubbartt

Like many Consultants, I've worked at a wide variety of clients during my career. Some clients used cutting edge technology that met or exceeded their business needs, and the greatest challenge with those projects was either company politics or getting approval for the hardware needed for the applications. While tough, the technology was interesting and those are usually the most fun places to work.

Then there are clients that choose to limp along on some underpowered and inappropriate tool or deprecated programming language written many years earlier that miraculously works because of constant nursing and continuous patching by some tired and unappreciated developer. Those companies rarely understand the costs of moving to modern technology and it is a frustrating situation for any developer to deal with, but unfortunately this is experienced far too often in the business world.

An important decision when upgrading a legacy application or creating new software is to know which platforms need to be supported. Many companies have multiple operating systems, or there may be an initiative to move to a newer or different operating system in the near future. To handle this situation, many companies are moving towards internet or intranet applications. As long as a browser is available to display the software, the operating system is not the limiting factor as was often the case in the past.

There are a number of good internet/intranet packages, including DreamWeaver, but e-commerce and reference projects need access to a lot of data that is stored in a relational database, so there is a need for a package to tie the front end web interface with the backend relational database, and that is where ColdFusion comes in. ColdFusion has been around a fairly long time and is well known to many internet developers. Let's take a look at the latest version of this Adobe product.

Configuration Considerations

There are several ways to setup a ColdFusion environment. The first is everything – web server, database engine and ColdFusion on a single server – is simple, takes the least hardware, but performance can be an issue as each part of the environment needs adequate resources (memory, drive space, CPU) to perform reasonably.

The second configuration consists of dedicated servers for each element – web server, database engine and ColdFusion on separate servers – is more expensive but offers benefits over the first configuration. This option provides dedicated hardware for each element and that should provide much better performance than the first option.

The third configuration consists of two elements – web server, database engine and ColdFusion on one server and the third element on a second server – is a compromise between the first and second options and it. This consolidation offers better performance than option one, yet it reduces the hardware expense incurred for option two.

While all three configurations were doable, the first configuration seems best for developing and testing ColdFusion, but I would recommend the second option for production environments. The third option would only be when hardware costs were a huge factor in the decision process.

Getting Started

ColdFusion 8 works with a number of operation systems:
1. Windows – W2000 Professional with SP3, W2000 Server/Advanced Server/Datacenter Server with SP3, W2003 Server Web/Standard/Enterprise with SP1, XP Home/Profession, and Vista. Pentium II or AMD Athlon processor.
2. Mac OS X 10.4.x on a system with a G4/G5/Intel processor
3. Linux – SUSE Enterprise Server 9/10, Red Hat AS/ES 3.0/4.0/5.0
4. Solaris 9/10 on system with a SPARC processor
5. AIX 5L/5.2/5.3 on RS/6000 with a POWER3 processor

Note: All supported operating systems require a minimum of 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended), 500 MB hard drive space, and a DVD-ROM.

Supported databases include:

1. MS Access
2. SQL Server
3. MySQL
4. PostgreSQL
5. Apache Derby
6. DB2
7. Informix
8. Oracle
9. Sybase

I installed the software from a disk, instead of downloading the file and ran it on a Toshiba laptop running Windows Vista with SP 1 installed, a 1.9GB dual-core CPU, 2 GB RAM, a 120 GB hard drive, and a DVD-ROM.

The installation process was simple and error-free. A directory was created under C:\ColdFusion8, taking around 595 MB of storage space on my hard drive. I'd like to note that I downloaded the 8.0.1 update at the end of my tests and that file was 130 MB and it took up 174 MB during the installation - there were no problems during or after the update.

Using the Product

To use ColdFusion, create a website with DreamWeaver or another web development package. Next, if one does not already exist, setup a relational database like Oracle, Sybase or SQL Server. The final step is to connect ColdFusion to the new/existing database, and then create the ColdFusion pages and put them on server (use FTP when the ColdFusion and development systems are not the same). Yes, it really is that simple.
And you use a browser like FireFox to access the ColdFusion Administrator to setup or monitor the server.

Note: I used ColdFusion's standalone web server for testing, instead of a dedicated web server. This product lets one person create, link and maintain all aspects of a site, or allows dedicated people to handle their parts of the environment. As a developer and an Admin, I like this degree of flexibility.

I had no configuration issues with ColdFusion, and found integrating it to a web frontend and relational database backend fairly simple but it did take a little time. The documentation and online web help sources answered my questions – I never needed to contact Tech Support, which is a huge plus in my eyes. I have used the earlier versions of the product, which may have helped me understand how to use it, but I think people already experienced with internet development will find it just as easy to use.

New Product Features

Version 7.2 was the previous version and the updates in version 8.0 include:

Performance increases
Server Monitor
PDF features
Ajax features
.NET integration
Interactive debugger
Microsoft Exchange Server integration
Adobe Flex integration
Per-application settings
Image manipulation
Presentations on demand
Atom and RSS feeds
ZIP and JAR file features
User-based Administrator and RDS access
Improved file manipulation functions
JavaScript operators in CFML
CFC improvements
Strong encryption libraries
Reporting enhancements
Database interaction improvements
Argument collections
Array and structure creation improvements Expanded platform, OS, and database support

The new features I personally liked best were the PDF and .NET support, the multi-threading (with the push for multi-core CPUs in servers, this seems like a must), and the improved reporting enhancements. The JavaScript operators in CFML were also nice and needed, but I know little about Flex so I don't know how that integration will help users.


Companies choose ColdFusion to create complex and robust mission-critical applications for internal and external access. While there are a number of ways to integrate web content with relational data, it is a simple task with ColdFusion, and the support for modern technology (Ajax, .NET and Java) is a valid reason to consider using this product.

I have worked with version 7 of ColdFusion, but can't attest to performance comparisons between older and the new release since I don't have those versions and a server environment setup for performance testing. There are sites that publish performance comparisons on the internet, and Adobe has their own application performance brief at


So many positives. The application administration interface is simple and intuitive – it should be no problem for anyone with experience administering a web site or application. And I like the new server monitor, which is an impressive Flash application that is as well organized as any administration interface I've used over the years. Anyone with a UNIX admin background will appreciate the ability to take a snapshot of the server on demand. That server snapshot information is saved as a file and can be read from a browser, and it is thorough.

The ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML) is useful, but supporting existing Ajax applications is more important in these Web 2.0 times. I really like the inclusion of support for Exchange and .NET integration, as there are so many companies that have mixed Microsoft/non-Microsoft environments.

I believe the ability to dynamically generate PDFs is indispensible. Anyone that ever had to handle source and version control for documents at any company will be pleased that they can keep just one version of each document and let ColdFusion create PDFs as needed. Very nice.

I almost forgot to mention the Eclipse plug-in for CFML. Eclipse is one of my favorite IDEs and I use it for C/C++ and Java development projects as well as Java. While you can use a text editor to create ColdFusion pages, I'd rather use a familiar IDE like Eclipse. To download the plug-in, go to

While I'm not a big Exchange guy, integrating to that product makes sense. There are CFML tags to handle calendaring and contacts and tasks – very nice features.


None I could see. While the price seems steep, even small companies shouldn't have an issue with the price when considering the tools and functionality that the product offers.

I did not try to run a load test on my laptop. If your company wants to know how it performs, I'd suggest first creating a test website and test database, and then download an evaluation copy of the software.

I also think that some will balk at hiring dedicated ColdFusion developers, but believe it is reasonable to find existing DreamWeaver developers (perhaps internal resources as well as external candidates) that are capable of creating the web content, the office DBA can help with the database access issues, and a network administrator can help place the content on a server and monitor how well it works.


This is a good product for companies already using older versions of ColdFusion, or companies looking to move older legacy systems to a newer, more robust solution that easily integrates the application and relational database data. The interface is intuitive, just like Adobe's other products, and I did not encounter any errors during my tests. I have used other Adobe products to create and support web applications, but like that ColdFusion lets me build applications – not just linked HTML pages – for use on the internet. I would encourage anyone that is interested in ColdFusion to take advantage and download an evaluation copy of the product and take it for a test drive. While the cost of the software – especially the Enterprise Edition – is more than most people will spend, Adobe offers a free developer edition for Consultants that want to expand their repertoire of internet application development tools. To see a list of ColdFusion hosting partners that offer hosting, check out:

ColdFusion 8 AJAX Presentation

Here is a presentation about developing AJAX Applications in ColdFusion 8 by Ashwin Mathew.

The presentation was given on 21st May 2008 at the Bay Area ColdFusion User Group.

You can view the full presentation using Adobe Connect here: ColdFusion 8 AJAX by Ashwin Mathew.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Adobe Flash Player 10 Beta Released...

Adobe Flash Player 10 Beta Now Available on Adobe Labs

·         Adobe today announced that the pre-release version of Adobe® Flash® Player 10 software is now available in beta on Adobe Labs at

·         Adobe Flash Player 10 beta, code named "Astro," builds on the capabilities of the world's most pervasive application runtime with new support for custom filters and effects, native 3D transformation and animation, extensible rich text layout and GPU hardware acceleration -- helping to enable a new level of cinematic experiences across multiple browsers and operating systems.



Friday, May 9, 2008

Patch for CFImage and Image functions in ColdFusion 8.0.1

A hotfix has been released for CFImage and Image functions in ColdFusion 8.0.1

More details here…



Free ColdFusion CMS

I had been searching for a good quality, Free ColdFusion CMS, but of no avail.


But now, the answer is there - ColdBricks


ColdBricks is a free and open source content management system specially tailored for highly modular websites like portals and dashboards.

The current version runs on ColdFusion 7, 8 and Railo 2


There's a very impressive live demo online.


Check it out…



MXNA is now Adobe Feeds...

The MXNA has now been replaces with Adobe Feeds.

It is up and running on faster servers, ColdFusion 8.0.1.


Check it out here -



Fix for CFTextArea with CFAjaxProxy binding issue

A new technote has been released for this issue.

Javascript error when using CFTextArea with CFAjaxProxy binding (ColdFusion 8.0)

TechNote Details

Last Update: 05-01-2008
ID: kb402688
Permanent Link:

Friday, April 18, 2008

ColdFusion 8.0.1 Japanese is Live!!!

Adobe has released the Japanese version of ColdFusion 8.0.1
You can download it from here...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Security Update fro ColdFusion(8.0, 8.0.1)

An important security update has been released for ColdFusion8 and ColdFusion 8.0.1.
A Patch for ColdFusion Flex2 Remoting Access Level Issue is out.
Downloads the patch and more details here...

64-bit ColdFusion

   Here is good overcview of the 64-bit computing and how it relates to ColdFusion 8.
Posted by Manju and other team members, there are also charts showing performance statistics comparing 32-bit ColdFusion and 64-bit ColdFusion.

Friday, April 4, 2008

ColdFusion 8.0.1 is out!

The ColdFusion 8.0.1 bits are live. The updater codenamed as "Gemini" can be downloaded immediately from
ColdFusion 8 Update 1 (CF 8.0.1) has some minor bug fixes and it also adds support for new operating systems(including 64bit) and some extended functionality (attributeCollection).

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Intermedia Hosting - ColdFusion 8 Plans

Intermedia Announces New Adobe ColdFusion 8 Web Hosting Plans
Emediawire (press release) - Ferndale,WA,USA
Intermedia's turnkey ColdFusion 8 plans provide a highly robust and flexible environment, with a 99.9% uptime SLA and 24x7 management and support. ...

Monday, March 31, 2008

ColdFusion 8 Nominated For Great Indian Developer Summit Award

Hi, This is great news as ColdFusion 8 has been nominated for the Great Indian Developer Summit Award under the Web Development category...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

ColdFusion 8 Certification

I think a lot of guys have been waiting for ColdFusion 8 Certification...
Kirsten has more details here..

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Per App Settings Example

Per App Settings in CF8 allows you to set 1.Mappings and 2.Custom tag paths on a per-application basis.

These settings override the server-side settings in the ColdFusion Administrator for the specified application only. Specifying per application settings does not change the server-wide settings.

To set per-application settings:

    1.First enable per-application settings on the Settings page of the ColdFusion Administrator. Go to Administrator -> Settings -> Click on Enable Per App Settings -> Submit.

    2. Set the mappings or custom tag paths in the Application.cfc file.

Here is a per application settings example.

The following will be the code in your Application.cfc file:

<cfset MyMappings = StructNew()>
<cfset MyMappings["/MyMap1"] = "C:\Temp\per_app_dir1">
<cfset This.mappings = MyMappings>
<cfset This.mappings["/MyMap2"] = "C:\Temp\per_app_dir2">
<cfset This.customtagpaths = "C:\Temp\my_custom_tags_dir">
<cfset This.mappings["/MyMap3"] = "C:\Temp\my_custom_tags_dir">
Here is how you use this in your code:
Run the following code in a test.cfm

<!---- per_app_test1.cfm is present under C:\Temp\per_app_dir1\ and you should be able to include it. ---->
<cfinclude template = "/MyMap1/per_app_test1.cfm">
<!---- per_app_test2.cfm is present under C:\Temp\per_app_dir2\ and you should be able to include it. ---->
<cfinclude template = "/MyMap2/per_app_test2.cfm">
<!---- mycustomtag.cfm is present under C:\Temp\my_custom_tags_dir\ and you should be able to use this custom tag. ---->
<!---- You can also use cfmodule like below ------>
<cfmodule template = "/MyMap3/mycustomtag.cfm">

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Creating engaging applications with ColdFusion 8

Nearly three years in the making, Adobe ColdFusion 8 is one of the most feature-rich releases in the 12 year history of ColdFusion.
Today's application users demand far more than simple HTML web applications: they want secure rich desktop-like applications, personalized multimedia experiences, printable and secure portable content, and more.
Here is a 60-minute session showing you how Adobe ColdFusion 8 delivers these and other engaging application experiences with features like Ajax development support and integration, native .NET and Microsoft Exchange support, and dynamic PDF document and form processing.
Read more here...
Watch the Acrobat Connect eSeminar (60 min. presentation; approx. 30 min. discussion)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Security Fixes for CF7 and CF8

The CF team has released two ColdFusion security fixes for ColdFusion MX 7 and ColdFusion 8:
  • APSB08-06 Update available for potential ColdFusion MX 7 and ColdFusion 8 Cross Site Scripting security issue (Windows deployments only)
  • APSB08-08 Update available for ColdFusion MX 7 and ColdFusion 8 logs invalid admin interface log-in attempts

    Tuesday, March 18, 2008

    Adobe RIA Architect Summit (Free)

    The Flex team is conducting an Adobe RIA Architect Summit on 3rd April 2008. This summit is aimed at people who are interested in architecting RIAs with Flex & AIR. There is no enrtry fee.
    The Adobe RIA Architect Summit is an opportunity for architects and aspiring architects to get an insight into how to design and architect Rich Internet Applications. It is also a unique plaform to interact with experts and techhnology leaders and a chance to develop connections within the community.

    Who should attend?
    Architects, Technical Managers and Strategic Decision Makers
    Thursday, April 3, 2008
    9:00 am - 6:00 pm
    The Chancery Pavillion
    Residency Road

    How do I get in?
    It is free, Register ASAP at
    Hurry! Registrations on a First Come First Serve basis…

    Tuesday, March 11, 2008

    CF8 IsUserInAnyRole function

    In CF8, a new function was added, IsUserInAnyRole()
    Description: Determines whether the logged in user belongs to any Role.
    Returns: True, if the logged in user, belongs to any Role; False, otherwise.
    IsUserInAnyRole(param1, param2, param3...)
    The function "isUserInAnyRole" takes a comma separated list as input. This can be a single parameter also. 
    The result will be an OR function on the list of roles.  The role names are not case-sensitive.
    To check if a user is in multiple roles, specify them in a comma-delimited list, such as "admin,user1,user2"
    <cfoutput>isUserInAnyRole("admin")? #isUserInAnyRole("admin")#</cfoutput><br><br>
                This will return true if the current logged in user has "admin" roles.
    <cfoutput>isUserInAnyRole("admin,user1,user2")? #isUserInAnyRole("admin,user1,user2")#</cfoutput><br><br>
                This will return true if the current logged in user has "any" of the three roles "admin, user1, user2" roles.

    Blue Dragon

    The Java version of Blue Dragon seems to be going open-source? Here is a news article from New Atlanta web site...

    New Atlanta to Open-Source Java Version of BlueDragon

    ColdFusion® Language to be Commoditized on Java Platform

    London, U.K. - March 12, 2008 - New Atlanta announced today at CFUnited Europe - a ColdFusion® Markup Language (CFML) technology exposition in London, U.K. - that they will be creating and distributing a free open-source Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) version of BlueDragon, their ColdFusion-compatible web application server.

    Read more here...

    Friday, March 7, 2008

    Jolt Awards

    ColdFusion 8 is the winner of the Jolt Award under the "Web Development" Category.

    Web Development

    • Jolt Winner: Adobe ColdFusion 8 (Adobe Systems)
    • Productivity Winners: 3rdRail (CodeGear), NetBeans IDE 6 (Sun Microsystems), and RSSBus (/n software)

    Here are all the winners

    Thursday, February 28, 2008

    BlazeDS Presentation

    Tom Jordhal is giving a talk on BlazeDS via Connect tomorrow, Thursday
    Feb 28 at 6:00pm EST.
    I think anyone can join the Acrobat Connect Room(from anywhere in the
    and the session will also be recorded so you can watch again.


    Tuesday, February 26, 2008

    Why ColdFusion

    Here are some of the "why coldfusion" videos...

    Monday, February 18, 2008

    what is flex?

    A simple definition to "what is flex" would be: Flex is a way to make/create SWF files!
    Flex is a way to create SWF files that run in Adobe Flash Player. It is a development paradigm that compiles to SWF. It really is that simple but often we make the definition much harder. Just like Flash can create SWF files, so can Flex, but the way you develop is completely different.
    Flex is built for developers and not for animators; it has been written for software developers and the paradigm matches the development methodology you already know. If you know Java, C, C++, C#, Delphi, VB, PHP, ColdFusion, Python, Ruby, you can learn Flex with little effort. The goal when Flex was created was to make a development paradigm that developers could learn easily matching the methodology they already know yet create SWF files for Flash Player (and now AIR). Flex has classes, components, a compiler, a debugger, class libraries, and uses XML (MXML) for declarative markup of components. The ActionScript programming language is based on ECMAScript 4 (the language standard behind JavaScript) and has full support for the ECMA XML scripting standard E4X. It also has most of the UI components that you already use ( like button, list, datagrid, combobox, and tree) but it also supports containers like HBox, VBox, TabNavigator, TitleWindow and many others. If you have written software before you can learn Flex easily. Better still is that Flex is compatible with all HTTP servers, version control systems, and any server side programming language, so the knowledge you have of servlets, php,, or JSP is really handy. Flex just lets you program the client side in a paradigm you already know and understand.
    Flex is built for making applications... rich client side application behavior. It has not been built for making web pages, banner ads, or server side logic it has been built for creating client-side applications that run over the Internet talking to remote servers. Flex has been used to make some really great apps like Buzzword (Document Editor like Microsoft Word but in the web), Picnik (Photo Editor/Manager for touching up your best snapshots), Oracle Sales Prospector (An enterprise ERP application.) The real key is that these examples provide an application experience just like desktop software that run on the web (Adobe Flash Player) and on the desktop (Adobe AIR)

    In summary, Flex is a development paradigm that allows you to write software for the web and desktop that many people can use compatibly today. It leverages the tools, servers, and development models that you already know and allows you to write the next generation of software compatibly.
    Another definition would be: A development platform that is revolutionizing how the world writes and deploys software!

    Free ColdFusion 8 Training Webinar

    Interested in Learning ColdFusion 8?
    Get started with ColdFusion 8 with Adam Lehman for a FREE 2-hour training webinar on new ColdFusion 8 features.
    There is also a chance to win "ColdFusion 8 Web Application Construction Kit - Volume 1" (Total of 10 books).

    Wednesday, February 13, 2008

    CF8 makes to SIIA Codies Awards finalists.

    Hurray.... CF8 has made it to the SIIA Awards finalists(top5).


    Best Web Services Solution

    • Adobe ColdFusion 8, Adobe Systems, Inc.

    • Bluewolf Integrator , Bluewolf


    • Workbench, SOA Software, Inc.

    • WebLayers Center, WebLayers, Inc.



    CF 8 Functions

    Here is a list of the CF8 Functions... These are the new functions added in CF8 in addition to the existing functions.
    Total Numer of new functions in CF8 -> 88.

    Tuesday, February 5, 2008

    ColdFusion 9 Survey

    As a part of the research for Centaur (ColdFusion 9) , we have created these two surveys . 
    Adobe ColdFusion Survey
    Platform and Vendor Support
    Please take some time out to fill up the surveys.